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My Phonics課程計畫表

學習主題 冊次 內容
The Alphabet Book 1
認識字母 Aa ~ Mm 學習相對應的生活常見單字。
ant, bird, candy, deer, egg, fish, girl, apple, boy, cup, dog, elbow, finger, goose
hat, Indian, jam, key, lamp, milk, horse, ink, juice, kite, lion, mouse
Book 2
認識字母 Nn ~ Zz 學習相對應的生活常見單字。
nurse, octopus, panda, queen, rain, seal, tea, nut, ox, pig, quilt, rabbit, sun, tiger
umbrella, van, window, ax, yogurt, zebra, uncle, vest, witch, fox, yummy, zipper
每 3~4 單元,有一複習單元,供教師評量,家長瞭解幼兒學習狀況。
The Consonants Book 3
認識子音字母 Bb ~ Pp及學習相對應的字母音。
bird, candy, dog, fish, girl, horse, bear, cat, dig, farmer, goat, hippo, big, cute, dirty, fat, good, hungry
juice, kite, lion, mouse, nut, panda, jacket, kangaroo, lazy, monkey, nose, pencil, jeans, kick, laugh, mini, nine, pink
Book 4
認識子音字母 Qq ~ Zz及學習相對應的字母音。
queen, rabbit, seal, tiger, van, quick, red, six, turtle, vase, quiet, run, sing, ten, violin
witch, fox, yummy, zebra, wet, box, yam, zero, walk, ox, yellow, zoo
每 4~6 單元,有一複習單元及易混淆的子音統整單元,讓幼兒清楚聽辨子音。
The Short Vowels Book 5
認識短母音 Aa, Ee, Ii 及學習母音韻尾的拼讀。
ant, dad, can, cat, alligator, sad, fan, fat, angry, mad, man, hat
egg, bell, Ben, jet, elevator, Nell, hen, pet, elf, sell, pen, vet, well
Indian, hid, big, hill, igloo, kid, pig, Jill, iguana, lid, wig, mill
Book 6
認識短母音 Oo, Uu 及學習母音韻尾的拼讀。
octopus, hop, dot, ox, onion, top, hot, box, otter, mop, pot, fox
umbrella, bug, cut, sun, uncle, mug, nut, run, ugly, rug, hut, bun, fun
每 4 單元,有一複習單元,設計聽力活動,加強幼兒聽音辨字能力。